Sunday, May 25, 2008

Just feel like ranting.

So, I'm just here thinking about the events of the past week and I'm just kinda getting mad about it so I thought I should just blog it and rant about it. Like Lizzy said, this is what blogs are for!

First on my list, why is it that when you try to be a good friend and offer assistance to a "friend" who seems to be in need of emotional support they push you away? If they feel as if they can't trust you or that you're just not the type of person they can talk to why be mean about it? Why give me the world of attitude when all I'm trying to do is help? It's not like they even say they don't wanna be bothered or they're not in the mood to talk, they usually come out in a status or in a blog or something and say they need someone to talk to. Smh. That's the last time I try to be helpful.

Then there's guys. I'm tired of guys toying with my emotions. I can't count the amout of times a guy has said "I like you" or "I love you" to me and then just suddenly lose interest in me. They kinda just stop talking to me or seem to be avoiding me. I'm really sick of it. Don't say it if you don't mean it. Someone this week just popped up and said "I love you" to me. I'm not even trying to get invovled with him in anyway because I've been there before, all it is is heartbreak. They're the ones who say "I love you" first, and although at the time you didn't love them, you eventually begin to feel that way. Then, after you've invested time and emotions they're tired of you. Wtf is up with that? I wish I knew.

Then, I hate it when people just give me an attitude when all I did was say "Hi" and try to start a convo. I mean thats what people are on your list for aren't they? Don't log on to Yahoo and give me attitude because I fuckin' IM'ed you. If you don't want to be bothered by me and only want to talk to certain people, change your fuckin' stat to away or something or go invisible. Better yet just log the fuck off. Geez.

So, I think I'm done ranting now. Ugh. I just ugh...


the dumb flyest. said...

don't be mad, get glad.

ppl do suck though.

Lizzy said...

All you can do is offer your hand or lend an ear to someone but if they aren't willing to open up & confide in you.. then there's really not much you can do about it. There's only so much you can do you know?

We already talked about dude telling you he loves you earlier this week :[ Smh @ that. People often do throw out the iloveyous way too soon and not using it for the right reason.

If you still need to rant and rave :) I'm all here!